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Knowledge Base : Bandsawing Wet Logs 6 - 8" in Diameter

I am planing to cut up wet logs about 6-8inch in diameter, from 6 inches long up to lengths of maximum 6 feet, mainly softwood. Please advise on what bandsaw is capable of this.

We would recommend the Startrite 401/s, not only does it have cast bandwheels but takes a max 30mm wide blade (min 6mm).

Roller tables front and rear are essential for 6ft x 8inch dia, and being wet they will be very heavy. the first cut to get a flat is important, a twisty and curved log can be a problem. Try to select the flattest part of the log to be on the table for the first cut, once you have one good flat you are away. Lengths of 3 feet would be far more managable if possible.

It is also recommended to use a suitable holding jig as it is unsafe to cut an irregularly shaped item such as a log while holding it by hand.

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